General Health Tips & News

Do You Want A Healthy Body? Take Care of What You Eat

By M.M. (staff writer) , published on January 01, 2022

Medicine Telehealth Health Nutrition

Do You Want A Healthy Body? Take Care of What You Eat

The adage, “you are what you eat,” is true. What you eat becomes a part of you on the inside and outside. While food is a must, you must watch what you eat to ensure you stay healthy. Eating is more than just satisfying hunger. A healthy life is so much dependent on nutrition. Whatever you do, you must eat food beneficial to your body. But is it true that you are what you eat? Your body is made of what you eat. But why eat healthy?



Cardiovascular Health

Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for adults in the US? The CDC states that almost half of the adults in the United States live with a form of cardiovascular disease. It is possible to prevent up to 80% of premature heart diseases with simple stuff such as healthy eating and exercise. The food you eat can help reduce your blood pressure and help keep your heart healthy.


Limit certain types of fats can help improve heart health. For example, you should eliminate the level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.


Improved Gut Health

The gut has naturally occurring bacteria which play a vital role in digestion and metabolism. In the colon, specific bacteria produce vitamins B and K which help the colon. The same bacteria strains also help fight harmful bacteria easing digestion.


For improved gut health, diets high in fiber, low in sugar and fat helps maintain the good bacteria in the gut microbiome, reducing the chances of inflammation in the stomach. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains help good bacteria in the colon.


Aids in Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight, it is best done with a combination of healthy eating and exercise. With losing weight, one can’t do without the other. You can’t expect to lose weight by exercising alone, and you aren’t eating healthy. On the same, you might eat healthy and not lose weight if you don’t exercise. There are many healthy foods such as vegetables, beans, and fruits with low calories compared to many processed foods that have so many calories.


If you want to stay healthy, you have to watch what you eat. Diseases such as diabetes which is a menace, especially in the US, can be controlled and avoided by healthy eating. Do you want a healthy body? You have to watch what you eat.






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