Skin & Esthetics


By A.A. (staff writer) , published on October 25, 2020

Medicine Telehealth Health hairloss hair loss treatment medicines for hair loss

Alopecia or hair loss is a serious concern for all age people. Men, women, and children face hair loss problems.  Hair loss treatment includes medicines, hair replacements, and hair restoration1.  

Nowadays hair fall is a common condition many people suffer at some point in their lives. An individual normally loses 50-100 hair a day. People with thin hair or bald patches lose more hair as compared to others. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent and can affect your entire body or just scalp. It can also be due to the normal aging process, hormonal changes or can be heredity.  Hair loss is more common in men. 

Baldness is defined as excessive loss of hair from your scalp. The most common cause of baldness is age and genetics. Some people don't bother about their hair loss, they left them untreated and unhidden. On the other hand, some people are very conscious about their hair, they cover it up with scarves, hats, makeup, and hairstyles.  And some others adopt available treatments to restore hair growth and prevent further loss of hair. 

Before starting any hair loss treatment, consult your doctor or dermatologist to exactly know the cause of your hair fall and available treatment option2


Causes of hair loss 


Hair loss and hair regrowth is a continuous process. On average an individual loses 50 to 100 hairs a day. This hair loss went unnoticed because new hairs are growing at the same time. When new hair doesn't replace the fallen hairs that’s the sign of concern and may lead to baldness. 

The following are the factors and causes of hair loss.


Hormonal changes and medical conditions. 

Hormonal changes occur in the body due to various reasons such as thyroid problems, pregnancy, menopause, and childbirth. Various hair-related conditions include alopecia areata that causes patchy hair loss and it is related to the immune system, a hair-pulling disorder known as trichotillomania, and infection of the scalp such as ringworm. 


Family history 

Genetic or hereditary factors are common causes of hair fall or male pattern baldness. This condition is also known as androgenic alopecia. It occurs in predictable patterns and may also occur slowly. It is usually indicated hair thinning along with the crown of the scalp in women and bald spots in men. 


Side effects of medications 

Side effects of certain drugs also lead to hair loss such as medicines for high blood pressure, gout, arthritis, cancer, and depression3


Medical conditions

Certain medical conditions also cause hair loss including lupus, thyroid disease, anemia, and eating disorders. 



Temporary hair loss may happen due to a calorie-restricted diet and low protein diet4


The best hair fall treatment


Non-prescription hair fall treatment:




Minoxidil is the FDA approved drug for the treatment of hair loss. The solution of minoxidil is available to be applied on the scalp that regrows hairs and prevents them from getting thinner. It is the only approved product for hair regrowth for both men and women. 


Prescription based hair fall treatment:




It is approved by the FDA for use in men only. It is available in the form of tablets and used for hair loss treatment for men. The use of finasteride increases hair regrowth in 66% of men. It works by inhibiting the natural enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Increased level of dihydrotestosterone causes hair thinning and hair loss. 




If the reason for hair fall is inflammation in the body, then injections of corticosteroids are used which are injected into the scalp. This treats the inflammation which occurs when a person has alopecia areata. 


Hair fall treatment procedure:

The amount of hair loss will help the doctor to decide the type of procedure. 


Hair transplantation:

A hair transplant is performed in the area of the scalp where hair growth is required. The fertile scalp skin with good hair growth is used for transplantation. 


Scalp reduction:

It is the surgical removal of a totally bald and infertile scalp. And a fertile and good hair scalp is placed to bridge the distance and reduce balding. 


Intensive Hair Root Therapy:

Intensive hair root therapy is performed by a dermatologist who injects vitamins, natural plant extracts, and nutrient cocktails. This prevents thinning and hair fall. It also encourages hair growth. 


PRP Hair Rejuvenation:


PRP hair treatment uses your own body's plasma to stimulate the growth of hair follicles and also make them healthier.  PRP treatment is a non-invasive and safest treatment for hair loss approved by the FDA. 


Laser Treatment:

It speeds up the metabolism of hair follicles and also enhances the flow of blood in the scalp. It is a safe form of heat and light treatment. 


Scalp expansion:

A device is inserted under the scalp for a period of one month. It stretches your skin. Scalp expansion is performed to reduce balding and to expand hairy areas. 


Scalp flaps:

It is a useful method in which doctors surgically remove fertile areas of a scalp and places where hair growth is required5


Self-care for hair loss


Self-care is very important if you want to prevent hair loss and make your hair healthy. 

The following are the steps that help you to prevent further hair loss. 

  • Lifestyle modification to control stress and anxiety 
  • Eating a balanced diet that must contain vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins. 
  • Using minimum or high-quality cosmetic products on hairs like shampoo and conditioner to avoid hair loss
  • Avoiding tight hairstyles
  • Prevent hair damage by limiting the use of heating processes6 



  1. Understanding Hair Loss -- the Basics. [internet]. [cited 2020 September 12]; Available from
  2. Hair fall treatments, home remedies and various causes of hair fall. [internet]. [cited 2020 September 12]; Available from
  3. Hair Loss. [internet]. [cited 2020 September 12]; Available from
  4. Understanding Hair Loss -- the Basics. [internet]. [cited 2020 September 12]; Available from
  5. Hair fall treatments, home remedies and various causes of hair fall. [internet]. [cited 2020 September 12]; Available from
  6. Causes and treatments for hair loss. [internet]. [cited 2020 September 12]; Available from



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