Well-Being: Fitness & Diet


By A.A. (staff writer) , published on January 27, 2021

Medicine Telehealth Health kiwi kiwifruit health benefits of kiwis

There are many health benefits of kiwis, they are small fruits that pack a lot of flavors. It is packed with many nutrients like potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. The green flesh of kiwis is tangy and sweet. They are a rich source of fiber and antioxidants. Their fuzzy brown peel and small black seeds are edible. Many people like to eat kiwis by peeling off their brown peel. 

Kiwi is a superfood and the favorite fruit of many due to its refreshing taste and vibrant color. It is a part of many delicious recipes and can be used in yogurt parfaits in frozen fruit bars. This small tropical fruit has mighty benefits. 

Kiwi grows in different locations. From November to May, it grows in California, and from June to October it grows in New Zealand. Supplements of kiwi are also available in the market1


Health Benefits of Kiwis


Immunity boosting

Kiwi boosts your immune system because it has an abundant amount of Vitamin C. According to research reports, kiwifruit provides 230% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C. It means every bite of kiwifruit is immune-boosting. Kiwis also have antioxidant properties. The function of antioxidants is to reduce oxidative stress and eliminate free radicals within the body. That's why it acts as an anti-inflammatory and protects from different diseases.  


Ocular Health

Kiwifruit contains carotenoids, which are essential for eye health. They help to prevent eye disease and are beneficial for overall ocular health. When kiwifruit is consumed with other mineral and vitamin-rich fruits it is also beneficial for eye health due to its antioxidant activity2


Better sleep

The research was conducted in 2011 on the effects of kiwifruit on the quality of sleep in adults having sleep issues. The researchers suggest that the sleeping pattern improved by eating kiwis. The sleep-related benefits of kiwis are due to serotonin and antioxidants contents. The quality of sleep improves when you eat kiwis before bedtime.  


Heart health and blood pressure

Kiwis are full of antioxidants, potassium, and fiber that are essential for heart health. According to the American Heart Association, you must increase your potassium intake while controlling your sodium or salt consumption. 

By increasing potassium consumption, your blood vessels become relaxed, which is beneficial for reducing blood pressure. Almost 215mg of potassium is present in one kiwifruit. 

The fiber content of Kiwi is also beneficial for heart health. According to a review published in 2017, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is less in people consuming high amounts of fiber. It lowers the level of low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol. One Kiwi provides almost 2g of fiber3


Kiwi Prevents Blood Clotting

Kiwis manage blood pressure and prevent blood clotting by reducing the amount of fat in the blood. It was reported that it does not negatively affect blood cholesterol levels. 

The most commonly used drug to prevent cardiovascular disease is aspirin. However, aspirin can cause ulcers in the GI tract and inflammation. The blood-thinning effect of kiwi can be seen by consuming 2 to 3 kiwifruits per day. 


Fights Inflammation

Kiwis contain an enzyme called Bromelain, which is also found in green papaya and pineapple. It heals inflammation by breaking down proteins. Bromelain breaks down inflammatory complexes in the bloodstream after consumption. Kiwi is beneficial for arthritis patients as it reduces inflammation. 

The high vitamin C content of kiwi also fights against free radicals in the body and reduces oxidative stress and inflammation4


Promote Heart Health

Potassium is an important element of heart health. Potassium is known to protect the heart. The risk of heart disease reduces by increasing the consumption of kiwifruit. Consuming two to three kiwifruit per day may lower platelet hyperactivity and plasma lipid levels, these are two important factors responsible for cardiovascular problems. 


May Aid Diabetes Treatment

According to research, kiwifruit in your diet can improve glycemic response.  Kiwifruit also contains high water content that makes it more suitable for diabetic patients. 

The sugar content of kiwifruit is also less as compared to other fruits. The content of fiber in the kiwifruit also helps to regulate blood sugar levels5


Protection against Respiratory Diseases

As we kiwifruit contain vitamin C that boosts your immunity. It also plays a vital role in preventing any respiratory-related health issues including shortness of breath, night coughing, and wheezing in children. According to research, it has been proved that the chances of respiratory-related diseases are 44% less in people who eat about 5-7 servings of kiwi per week, including asthma attacks. 


Aids in Foetal Development 

Folate is a major vitamin also called vitamin B6. It has an essential role in boosting your immune system, especially for the healthy development of the fetus and protecting pregnant and breastfeeding women. Vitamin B6 also plays an important part in the formation and development of the brain and supports healthy skin, liver, and hair6




  1. 7 Health Benefits of Kiwi. [internet]. [cited 2020 December 4]; Available from  https://www.healthline.com/health/7-best-things-about-kiwi
  2. Health Benefits of Kiwi. [internet]. [cited 2020 December 4]; Available from  https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-kiwi#2
  3. What are the Health Benefits of Kiwi? [internet]. [cited 2020 December 4]; Available from  https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/271232#nutrition
  4. Top 9 Health Benefits of Kiwi. [internet]. [cited 2020 December 4]; Available from  https://www.healthifyme.com/blog/top-9-health-benefits-of-kiwi-fruit/
  5. Kiwi Fruit: 12 Powerful Benefits, Including Asthma, Digestion, And More. [internet]. [cited 2020 December 4]; Available from  https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/amazing-benefits-of-kiwi-for-skin-hair-and-health/
  6. 7 Health Benefits of Kiwi fruit. [internet]. [cited 2020 December 4]; Available from  https://www.medlife.com/blog/7-health-benefits-kiwi-fruit/




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