Skin & Esthetics

How to Best Take Care Of Your Skin Every Day

By M.M. (staff writer) , published on December 18, 2021

Medicine Telehealth Health Skin Care

How to Best Take Care Of Your Skin Every Day

The best way to take care of your skin every day is to have a skincare routine. However, this could mean a million different things, depending on who you ask. It mostly depends on your skin type. To best take care of your skin, you have to understand your skin type. This gives you a way forward on products you can use on your skin and the ones to avoid. Maybe you have overly sensitive skin; this means some products easily irritate your skin. Maybe you have an oily face; this means you use specific products for your oily face.


Skincare routine

After understanding your skin type, come up with a daily skincare routine. These are things you do daily to take care of your face.

  • Cleansing – this should be done twice a day. In the morning and evening before you sleep. Select a cleanse that doesn’t leave the skin dry and tight after cleaning. Avoid washing to get that squeaky clean feeling if you have dry skin. You might end up stripping your natural skin oils.


  • Moisturize – all skin types require moisturizer. Oily skin types require lightweight, gel-based moisturizers that won’t block your pores. Dry skin benefits more from cream-based moisturizers. Apply moisturizer after cleaning.


  • Sunscreen – sometimes you can’t do anything to avoid the sun as you have to go outdoors. Apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before you head out. It takes a while for it to activate. If you don’t use sunscreen, avoid the sun.


Drink water

It might not directly hydrate the skin, but it helps the body function better. It helps the liver eliminate toxins, reduces puffiness, and might also help with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.


Get a satin or silk pillowcase

You can’t rub a wrinkle on your face, but you can cause them when sleeping. As you smoosh your face into the pillow, you put friction between the fabric and skin, creating creases that might result in wrinkles over time. Sleep on a silk pillowcase to help your skin “slip” and minimize the chances of wrinkles formation.


Avoid picking and touching your face

It’s so tempting to squeeze that pimple on your face and pop it, right? However, doing this creates more and longer-lasting damage to the skin. It can also cause acne mechanica caused by friction from pushing oils and bacteria back inside the pores.


Get enough sleep

When you sleep, the body heals and regenerates cells. Ample sleep reduces cortisol production, the stress hormone responsible for thinning skin, skin discoloration, and stretch marks. Sleep also helps increase melatonin production, the sleep hormone, an antioxidant fighting wrinkles, skin cancer, and fine lines.







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