Skin & Esthetics


By H.S. (staff writer) , published on January 03, 2022

Medicine Telehealth Health

Sculptra is a dermal filler that has been on the market since 1999. The FDA authorized it for the first time in 2004 to treat lipoatrophy in HIV-positive individuals. Lipoatrophy leads to the loss of facial fat, resulting in sunken cheeks, deep folds, and indentations on the face.

The FDA authorized Sculptra Aesthetic in 2014 to treat facial wrinkles and creases to restore a more youthful look.

Sculptra's primary constituent is poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). It is categorized as a collagen stimulator, which means that the benefits are long-lasting and natural-looking, lasting up to two years.

Although Sculptra is safe and effective, it is not indicated for anyone allergic to any of its components or who has medical disorders that result in uneven scarring.


How does Sculptra work?

Sculptra is a dermal filler that is injected into the skin to smooth out face creases. It includes PLLA, a collagen activator that aids in the progressive restoration of fullness to face wrinkles and folds. As a consequence, the skin appears softer and more youthful.

While you may feel improvements immediately, it may take many months to see the full effect of your therapy.

Your Sculptra professional will work with you to establish the optimal amount of treatment sessions. The typical protocol consists of three shots spaced three to four months apart.


Sculptra procedure

You will be requested to share your entire medical history, including any medical illnesses or allergies, at your first appointment with a professional physician.

On the day of your first Sculptra treatment, your doctor will map and cleanse the injection sites on your skin. To alleviate any pain, a topical anesthetic may be used. Your doctor will next administer many tiny injections into your skin.

Following Treatment, you should be able to resume your daily activities quickly. Any particular instructions will be communicated to you by your physician.


Sculptra treatment regions

Sculptra is used to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and folds and has been scientifically approved for the Treatment of smile lines, other wrinkles around the nose and mouth, and chin wrinkles.

Sculptra has a variety of off-label applications, including the following:

      Nonsurgical buttock lift or buttock augmentation cellulite reduction chest, elbow, and knee wrinkle reduction


Is Sculptra safe, and how painful are the injections?

Sculptra is made of poly-L-lactic acid, a biodegradable polymer readily broken down and absorbed by the body. Before the injections, we numb the area using a highly powerful topical anesthetic. Additionally, the Sculptra powder is reconstituted with water and lidocaine to make the injections more comfortable. The majority of folks are taken aback by how pleasant the treatments are.


What is the typical Sculptra treatment protocol?

On average, a minimum of three therapy sessions over many months is required. The number of injection treatments and the duration between sessions varies by individual. Patients who are older, thinner, or who exercise often may need more product or therapy sessions.




[1] Lacombe V. Sculptra: a stimulatory filler. Facial Plastic Surgery. 2009;25:095–099.

[2] Sherman RN. Sculptra: the new three-dimensional filler. Clinics in plastic surgery. 2006;33:539–550.

[3] Humble G, Mest D. Soft tissue augmentation using sculptra. Facial plastic surgery. 2004;20:157–163.

[4] Beer KR, Rendon MI. Use of sculptra mark in esthetic rejuvenation. Seminars in cutaneous medicine and surgery. 2006. p. 127–131.


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