General Health Tips & News

The Most Common Musculoskeletal disorders

By M.M. (staff writer) , published on April 17, 2021

Medicine Telehealth Health Musculoskeletal Disorders

The Most Common Musculoskeletal disorders

Take a moment and reflect on your health; are you comfortable in any posture? Do your limbs or back twitch, ache, or become stiff with a burning sensation? If yes, more likely than not, you may be suffering from any of the most common musculoskeletal problems detailed below.



Tendonitis refers to the irritation or inflammation of the tendons—the thick fibrous muscles that join bones together. While this condition can affect any person, it is prevalent among adults aged above 40. It is also highly associated with jobs that cause repetitive minor impacts on specific body parts or tendons.

Tendonitis can also occur due to a minor or severe injury to the tendons, such as when you suffer a dog bite or fall. Sitting too long in an incorrect posture may also cause strain to the tendons, especially at the back and shoulder, leading to their inflammation.



To make for effortless movement, bones in human joints are separated with cartilages—the hard slippery tissues that caution bones. These cartilages also cover the ends of the bones in a joint.

Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis that eats the specific cartilages that cover the ends of the bone, leaving the joint unmasked. Consequently, the bones start rubbing against each other due to friction, resulting in pain. It also deteriorates the connective tissues that hold the bones together, causing further inflammation and severe pain.


Bone Fractures

Any bone in your body can break completely or partially based on how strong it is and the level of impact. Health conditions such as osteoporosis and tumor also degrade the bone's composition, making it weaker and vulnerable to fractures. That's why it's advisable to conduct regular checks in case of cues such as swelling, pain, and inability to bear weight.

Some other signs to check out for in fractured bones include pain, a feeling of snap or grinding, or deformation. In case the bone is popping out of the skin, seek medical attention immediately. Otherwise, an x-ray can help determine mild fractures lurking inside the body.



Fibromyalgia refers to musculoskeletal pain that spread throughout the body. Even though the exact cause is still a mystery, scientists link this condition to several health factors. It can result from a chemical imbalance in the body, sleep problems, external triggers, and genetic disorders.

Other symptoms of fibromyalgia include tiredness, anxiety, fatigue, sleep problems, headaches, memory problems, widespread stiffness in the body, and a lot more. In case you experience any of these symptoms, start by practicing mood enhancement since this condition regards heavily the chemicals your body produces. Further, enlist medical services for diagnosis through X-Ray, physical examination, and blood work.



Your body is delicate and can suffer a host of musculoskeletal conditions. Learn the art of keeping your skeletal and muscle fit by exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet. It doesn't hurt to refrain from areas or jobs with high risks of accidents, especially if you have weaker bones. Otherwise, some other conditions you can research include rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and rotator cuff tear.




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