General Health Tips & News


By A.A. (staff writer) , published on September 17, 2021

Medicine Telehealth Health cell phone and health harmful effects of cell phone

Particularly in metropolitan areas, mobile phones and tablets are perhaps the most effective communication devices. Nowadays, the general public has grown increasingly exposed to radiofrequency (RF) fields from mobile phones and other communication devices. Among 7.4 billion people, the number of mobile phone users has risen to 5 billion.

Recently, the rising use of mobile phones has raised worries about health safety. The findings show societal concern about malignancies in children and adults. The likelihood that some people might develop hypersensitivity or other symptoms as a result of mobile exposure was a top issue for researchers.

Electromagnetic rays in the microwave range (850–1800) are released by mobile phones and tablets. Reports suggest that the frequency produced by mobile phones or base stations may have an impact on people's health.

Whereas different researches have been conducted on the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the biological system and brain tumors, the skin gets a significant amount of radiation when it comes into touch with a mobile phone or tablet. Due to their high frequency, chronic nature of the disease, and significant impact on quality of life, skin diseases, particularly skin malignancies and contact dermatitis, are extremely essential (in affected people skin diseases cause pain and discomfort in 21 % to 87 %). Skin disorders have a significant disease burden across all age ranges1.



There are many harmful effects of radiation on the skin. But, most commonly people experience dry skin patches due to phone radiation. Moreover, itching is another effect of cell phone radiation. Antigens are amplified by mobile radiation in those who already have allergies. One more cause of cell phone dermatitis – as the condition is known – is the use of nickel and cobalt in phone trims. These metals, in combination with the radiations, cause your skin to become red and irritated. 


Crow’s feet

While trying to entice your infant to sleep, trying to read your favorite blog on your phone? It's possible that you're already greeting crow's feet. Squinting is caused by the small fonts and low brightness of the phone screen, which leads to wrinkles around the eyes. If you're using your phone as a little workstation, make sure the brightness is high and the fonts are large.


Excessive melanin production

How many of you have observed how hot your mobile gets when you contact your best friend late at night? It's like hurting your skin if you use your phone in "hot" condition.  There are numerous health hazards associated with cell phones. However, excessive heat can cause melanin production in the skin to rise. This might result in uneven skin tone and even dark blotches on your face. To avoid the unpleasant effects of cell phone radiation, choose the hands-free option2.


Dark Circles

Dark circles are one of the well-known and frequently visible skin effects due to cell phone use. The emission of blue light by cell phones has an effect on one's sleeping patterns. The chances of getting dark circles under the eye and eye bags increase when a person regularly sleeps less. 


Skin allergies and acne

Yes!  You read that correctly. Cell phones have been known to be important carriers of bacteria and pathogens, according to studies. Mobile phones, according to experts, are much more unsanitary than a public restroom. All day, our phones are exposed to several surfaces, transferring small germs, and we continue to use our phones in the same manner, never realizing how many germs we are allowing access to our bodies, that cause acne and allergies. The most fundamental strategy to avoid these skin concerns is to use your phone as little as possible.


Precautionary measures to keep your skin safe from the harmful effects of mobile phone radiations:

  • Avoid seeing your phone screen for a long time. 
  • Do not use your phone in the dark or at bedtime. 
  • Use sanitizers or alcohol swabs to clean your phone regularly throughout the day. 
  • When your phone is overheated, do not use it, excessive heat may lead to more melatonin production. That will lead to uneven skin tone and dark spots. 
  • You must be careful about the effect of radiation on your skin that interacts with the phone3


Can cell phones cause cancer?

Individuals are worried about the possibility of cell phones causing cancer or other health concerns for two reasons: Cell phones produce radiation (in the form of radio waves), and they are widely used. Given the large number of individuals who use mobile phones, even a minor increase in cancer risk would be concerning. Because hand-held phones are carried so near to the head, brain and central nervous system malignancies have been a source of worry. Various types of research have been conducted in order to determine whether mobile phone use is harmful to human health4.





  1. Radiation Effects of Mobile Phones and Tablets on the Skin: A Systematic Review. [Internet]. [Cited 2021 July 06]; Available from
  2. Did You Know You Can Dial *#07# to Save Your Skin From Your Cell Phone? [Internet]. [Cited 2021 July 06]; Available from
  3. Radiation Effects of Mobile Phones on Human Skin. [Internet]. [Cited 2021 July 06]; Available from
  4. Cell Phones and Cancer Risk. [Internet]. [Cited 2021 July 06]; Available from


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