Female Topics

How to Prevent Joint Pain and Aches during Pregnancy

By M.M. (staff writer) , published on June 16, 2022

Medicine Telehealth Health Joint Pain and Aches

How to Prevent Joint Pain and Aches during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, you will probably notice multiply body changes. The changes may include constant joint pains and body aches. Some mothers are prone to develop arthritis after delivery; not all joint pains lead to the same condition.

The joint pains and aches may be due to various body changes during the pregnancy period like weight gain, change of body posture and hormonal changes. The initial body aches show that the body is preparing for childbirth.

Women who work out and are well nourished with correctly prenatal care usually do not experience any complications during pregnancy. This article highlights the reasons for the aches and the remedies to help ease your gestational days.


Monitoring body weight to avoid excessive weight gain

The knees start to experience too much pressure when the body gains weight. This further leads to constant knee aches. Ankles, knees and hip feel the added importance as the body gains extra weight.

To ease the joint pains in these conditions, hot and cold therapy will help your body relax and is very helpful.

You can settle for a nice hot shower during the pregnancy or place a hot water bag or electric heating pads at the aching joints.

Sometimes, wrap an ice pack in a towel, and by placing it on your aching joints, it will do magic.


Regular exercise

Low-impact exercises help strengthen quadriceps muscles that support the knee. It helps compensate for the looseness of the ligaments and the knee tendons.

While exercising to keep your joints in their best conditions, you must also make sure the exercises do not harm your baby.

It would help to discuss your workout routines with your doctor before you begin.


Feeding a balanced diet

Good nutrition is a crucial element of your baby's health. You should eat a well-balanced diet and practice good eating habits during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A nutritionist or any other health care worker can help you plan a well-balanced diet.

Sometimes the pain you experience during pregnancy may make it challenging to prepare meals, so you may be less likely to eat a balanced diet.


Wearing well-cushioned shoes

With enough padding and arch support, footwear will help you absorb shock to the knees.

During your last days of pregnancy, you may want to stick with sneakers so that you give your knees a break. The pressure exerted on the knees will be absorbed, making to pain to be relieved.



1. https://www.webmd.com/baby/features/preventing-aches-and-pains-during-pregnancy

2. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/experiencing-joint-pain-during-pregnancy-it-may-not-be-arthritis/articleshow/66165747.cms

3. https://www.thebump.com/a/body-aches-during-pregnancy

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