Skin & Esthetics

Melanoma: Understanding its Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

By S.I. (staff writer) , published on October 13, 2023

Medicine Telehealth Health skin sunlight

What is a Melanoma?

Melanoma, a formidable skin cancer that arises from melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing skin pigment, warrants our attention due to its potential severity. This article aims to provide an informative overview of melanoma, shedding light on its symptoms, causes, and available treatment options.


What are the Symptoms of Melanoma?

Melanoma exhibits a range of symptoms, often manifesting in skin irregularities that should prompt vigilance. The signs can differ significantly among individuals, emphasizing the need for consistent self-examination and professional dermatological evaluation. Characteristics that might raise concern include [1]:

  1. Asymmetrical Moles: Unlike benign moles, melanoma often presents asymmetrical shapes. [2]
  2. Irregular Borders: Melanoma lesions frequently display uneven or jagged edges.
  3. Varied Coloration: The color of melanoma can vary within a single lesion, encompassing shades of brown, black, red, white, or even blue.
  4. Diameter Changes: Moles that grow in size, especially exceeding the diameter of a pencil eraser, warrant medical attention.
  5. Evolving Moles: Moles that change in shape, size, or color over time should be examined.
  6. Unusual Sensations: Melanoma might cause itching, bleeding, or painful sensations within or around the affected area.


What are the Causes of Melanoma?

Melanoma is primarily triggered by the cumulative effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure from the sun or artificial sources like tanning beds. This radiation damages the DNA within melanocytes, prompting genetic mutations that can lead to cancerous growth. Individuals with fair skin, freckles, a history of severe sunburns, or a family history of melanoma are at a higher risk [2]. Moreover, certain genetic mutations, such as mutations in the BRAF and NRAS genes, have been associated with an increased susceptibility to melanoma [3].


Treatment Options for Melanoma:

Early detection of melanoma significantly improves treatment outcomes. Upon diagnosis, several treatment avenues are available to address the disease's progression and severity. These options are often tailored to the individual's condition and may include [4]:

  1. Surgical Removal: Surgical excision is the primary treatment for early-stage melanomas. The tumor and surrounding tissue are removed to prevent further spread.
  2. Immunotherapy: This approach stimulates the body's immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. Immune checkpoint inhibitors, such as pembrolizumab and nivolumab, are promising therapies.
  3. Targeted Therapy: Targeted drugs focus on specific mutations or genetic changes in melanoma cells, hindering their growth. BRAF inhibitors like vemurafenib and dabrafenib fall under this category.
  4. Radiation Therapy: Radiation is employed to target and destroy cancer cells, often as an adjuvant therapy after surgical removal.
  5. Chemotherapy: Although less common for melanoma, chemotherapy might be used when the disease has metastasized to distant organs.

In addition to medical interventions, lifestyle modifications play a vital role. Individuals are advised to adopt sun-safe behaviours, including wearing sunscreen, protective clothing, and sunglasses, as well as seeking shade during peak sun hours. Regular self-examination and routine visits to a dermatologist for professional skin checks are essential for early detection and timely intervention.








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