General Health Tips & News

Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Pain: Some Useful Stretches for SI

By A.S. (staff writer) , published on November 10, 2021

Medicine Telehealth Health Stretches for Sacroiliac Joint Pain



The Sacroiliac joints link the spine to the hips. Basically, they are positioned between the iliac bones and the sacrum. Both joints offer support and stability and a significant amount of shock absorption during walking and lifting. The sacroiliac joints are positioned below the waist, from where two dimples are visible from the back.

Strong ligaments and muscles support the sacroiliac joints. For typical bodily flexibility, the joint has a very modest range of motion. Our bones get rheumatic, and our ligaments tighten as we age. When the cartilage deteriorates, the bones may rub against one another, resulting in discomfort.



Symptoms of Sacroiliac Joint Pain


Each individual has a unique experience with the symptoms of SI joint problems. Typical symptoms include the following:

• Lower back discomfort

• Buttocks, hips, and pelvic pain

• Hip discomfort restricted to a single SI joint

• Pain while rising from a seated posture

• Stiffness or a burning feeling in the pelvic

 • Numbness

• Weakness

 • Radiating agony down the thighs and upper legs

• A sensation that your legs may buckle and fail to support your body




Some Common Causes of Sacroiliac Joint Pain


Sacroiliac joint pain can occur due to a variety of factors, including the following:

Injuries caused by trauma

An abrupt impact, such as a car accident or a tumble, might result in a sacroiliac joint injury.


Sacroiliac joints can develop wear-and-tear arthritis (osteoarthritis), as well as ankylosing spondylitis — a kind of inflammatory arthritis that affects the spine.


For less complex delivery cases, the sacroiliac joints must relax and stretch. Pregnancy's increased weight and changed stride might place additional strain on these joints, resulting in abnormal wear.


The sacroiliac joint can get infected in rare instances.




Preventing recurrences is critical:

• Techniques for lifting correctly

• Proper posture is necessary for sitting, standing, moving, and sleeping.

 • Exercise regularly that include stretching/strengthening

• An ergonomic work environment

• Appropriate diet, a healthy body weight, and a lean body mass

• Techniques for stress management and relaxation

• Smoking is prohibited




Some Useful Stretches for Patients


In Sacroiliac joint pain, soft tissues in the pelvis, groin, lower back, and thighs can cause or exacerbate sacroiliac joint discomfort.  Stretches for specific muscles or muscle groups can help relieve SI joint discomfort and restore leg, pelvic, and lower back range of motion. These are as follows:

Muscle Stretches

Several muscles that arise from the sacrum or hip bones (iliac crests) assist the pelvis. Releasing tension in these muscles can help relieve sacroiliac joint and lower back pain.

Stretch hamstrings

Sit on a chair with one leg over another chair straight in front of the body is a simple hamstring stretch. Stretch the hamstrings by reaching toward the toes. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then alternate legs five times to stretch both hamstrings. The ideal technique to safely stretch your hamstrings depends on your inclination.


Quadriceps flex

 Stretch your quadriceps in the front of the thigh by supporting one arm against a wall. Holding the foot or ankle with the right hand, pull the right leg up behind the torso. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides. Stretch the quadriceps twice each leg.

Hip flexor stretches

The hip adductor muscles assist the legs toward the body's center and originate from the pelvic bones. To stretch these muscles and loosen the SI joint, sit in a triangle with legs straight and apart, then slowly lean toward the toes. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then 15-30 seconds.

Press-up flex

Stretch the lower abdomen and front of the pelvis by raising the upper body to elbows and holding for 15-30 seconds. Keep shoulders relaxed, down, and away from ears for optimum effects while relaxing lower back and buttocks muscles. Begin with 5 seconds and work up to 15-30 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times.

Isometric knee-to-chest stretch

On your back, bend one knee towards the chest while maintaining the other leg straight and flat. Cross the fingers behind the thigh and slowly lower the knee for 5 seconds. Repeat this stretch 5-10 times on each side.





  1. Sacroiliac joint pain. Mayfield.  httos://mayfieldclinic.cornipe-snointoain.htma,text=Sacroiliac joint pain determine.

  2. Mayoclinic staff. Sacroiliitis. Mayoclinic.  httos://www.mayo clinic.or 4,1istses-conditionsisaeroiliitis/symptoms-causes 

  3. Spine-health. Jul 2018.  https://www.spine-health.comkonditions/sacroiliac-ioint-dysfunction/sacroiliac-ioint-dvsfimetion-si-ioint-pain

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