General Health Tips & News

The Different Types of Infusions Used in Clinics

By M.M. (staff writer) , published on May 28, 2024

Medicine Telehealth Health Infusions

The Different Types of Infusions Used in Clinics

Infusions are used to deliver medication through a needle to any part of the body. Some drugs are even delivered faster to the required body parts quickly through the use of infusions.

Infusions are also vital in delivering drugs that cannot be delivered orally. The medicines may be very bitter for patients to take orally, hence the need to use infusions.

Infusions are also used to deliver important supplements to the body when a patient is deficient in some important minerals. There are different infusions used in clinics, which include the following;


Intravenous Infusion

Intravenous infusion (IV) is the process whereby drugs are directly injected into the body via the bloodstream. IV infusion is commonly used to ensure that the body fluids are maintained in the patient's body, especially when they have been dehydrated.

IV infusion has also been used in dealing with chronic conditions, such as chemotherapy for cancer, antibiotic therapy, and even in anesthesia administration before surgical procedures. When nutrients such as iron are low in the body, they are administered through IV infusion.


Intramuscular Infusion

Intramuscular infusion is the process whereby medication is mainly inserted into the muscle tissues. It is mainly used during hormone therapy when treating cancer patients and injecting testosterone.

It is also used in treating syphilis and gonorrhea, administering antibiotics, administering vaccines such as the COVID-19 vaccine, and administering antibodies that help the body fight off diseases to boost immunity.


Epidural Infusion

An epidural procedure is defined as the process whereby a type of infusion is inserted in the spinal nerves around the lower back of a patient. The epidurals are normally used to block off pain communications from the spine straight to the brain.

An epidural mainly offers three solutions. One of the solutions is that it offers pain relief, especially after childbirth in women. The second solution is that it offers to numb the lower back during surgical procedures, and lastly, it is used to relieve acute, chronic pain in the back for many patients.


Subcutaneous Infusion

Subcutaneous infusion involves the administration of drugs into fats located underneath the skin. It can be carried out around the buttocks, lower back, or upper thighs.

It can also be used in administering insulin therapy, opioids to relieve pain, allergic medications, and heparin, a drug used to prevent blood from clotting. In conclusion, the above infusions play a huge role in ensuring that medicine and necessary supplements are directed to necessary body organs to boost immunity or treat an illness.





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