Skin & Esthetics

Tips for a Healthy Skin

By M.M. (staff writer) , published on May 30, 2022

Medicine Telehealth Health Healthy Skin

Tips for a Healthy Skin

Keeping the skin healthy regularly is of the utmost importance. There is no single magic bullet for glowing skin. Skincare can be quite an overwhelming task to sample all the available products. There are cleansers and tonners, plus all of the various spa or clinic treatments you can consider.

So it's no wonderland why some of us get confused about what we should be doing and which products to use. When skin is healthy, its layers work hard to protect us from external damage and germs.

However, when compromised, the skin’s ability to work as an effective barrier is impaired. Here are the best ways to improve skin health.


Eating a healthful and proper diet

There are various industries dedicated to products that keep your skin looking its best, and they claim to fight the signs of ageing. Therefore, moisturizers only go skin keep while ageing keeps developing at a deeper cellular level.

What you feed is more important than the product you apply to your skin. Your diet improves your skin's health from the inside out. A clear complexion begins with eating a healthy diet.

Some is a list of some foods that have been verified to be skin-friendly;

Mangoes contain compounds with antioxidant properties that help protect the skin's components.

Tomatoes- offer skin cancer prevention benefits.

Olive oil- is associated with a low risk of severe facial photoaging.

Cocoa flavanols- improves the structure and functions of the skin.


Keeping moisture in the skin

Skin moisturizers keep the top layer of the skin cells hydrated and ceiling in moisture. Moisturizers often contain humectants to attract moisture, occlusive agents for moisture retention in the skin, and emollients for smoothing the spaces between the skin cells.

Here are ways to keep your skin moist;

Take one 5-10 minutes shower or bathing per day to strip away the oilier layer of the skin.

Using warm water instead of hot water

Minimizing the use of harsh soaps.

Staying away from abrasive scrub brushes, bath sponges and wash clothes that might damage the skin


Keeping stress in check

Some people might experience unsightly pimples just right before an important event. Scientists have identified some links between stress levels and skin problems.

Individuals who experience high-stress levels are more prone to skin issues such as;

  • Hair loss
  • Itchy skin
  • Troublesome sweating
  • Scaly skin and hand rashes.

Reducing stress levels may lead to clearer skin. If you feel like stress is having an impact on your skin, try stress reduction techniques.






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